
Local moskitto broker does not send published message to remote mosquitto broker

Matlai opened this issue · 3 comments


I have a problem using mosquitto bridge.

I have two ubuntu 14.04 virtual machines: B1 and B2

I have simply the following config file on B1:

connection mylocalhost
address serverIpAdress:1883

topic # both 2

B1 connects to B2

I subscribe on both machines with:
mosquitto_sub -d -v -t "#" -h localhost

When a message is published on B1 I did receive the publish on B1 but it is not received on B2.

On the other way it is working !!!!:
When a message is published on B2, it is received on B2 AND B1

Do you have an idea what this could be ?

Sorry, this is not an issue list for getting support with MQTT. I suggest you ask on Stack Overflow.

OK thank you, I thought it can be an issue.

No problem - this is an issue tracker for the mqtt website, not any particular implementation.