
Asset missing for po4a release v0.70

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The release assets for v0.70 on the Github releases page do not contain a po4a-0.70.tar.gz file as did the previous releases, for example v0.69.

Is this intended or an oversight?

I have a CI pipeline failing to download the newest release .tar.gz, because it expected a file named po4a-$version.tar.gz on Github. I can (most likely, didn't check if they differ) also use the Github provided "Source Code" .tar.gz files, but since this is a change compared to most (all?) previous releases here on Github, I thought I'd ask first.

I understand that there is linked to at the top of the releases page, but this has rather unpredictable link compared to the previous releases, which had the asset at a more straight-forward download link like

This was an oversight. It is fixed now, thanks for reporting.