Cannot reproduce the reported results on wisdm
Opened this issue · 2 comments
conditionWang commented
Hello, I cannot reproduce good results on wisdm with the following parameter settings, could you share the exact parameter setting for wisdm?
python \
--dataset_name wisdm \
--lr 0.03 \
--batch_size 128 \
--mlp --cos \
--layers 3 \
--posi 2 \
--negi 100 \
--posp 3 \
--negp 4 \
--gpu 7 --epochs 150
--mask_layer0 \
--mask_mode 'mask_threshold'
zlyzmrr commented
Hello, I'm also facing the same issue as you. Did you achieve good performance by making further modifications to new parameters?
conditionWang commented
Hello, I'm also facing the same issue as you. Did you achieve good performance by making further modifications to new parameters?
Nope. I cannot reproduce effective results with a number of tries.