
Generation fails and I don't understand why

XavierP56 opened this issue · 7 comments


The following code gets an error when I render it:
ERROR: The given mesh is not closed! Unable to convert to CGAL_Nef_Polyhedron.
What do I do wrong ?

include <../YAPPgenerator_v3.scad>

printBaseShell        = true;
printLidShell         = true;
printSwitchExtenders  = true;

baseWallHeight      = 25; 
lidWallHeight       = 10;

paddingBack        = 40;

pcbLength           = 91; // Front to back
pcbWidth            = 50; // Side to side
pcbThickness        = 1.5;

standoffHeight = 3;
standoffDiameter = 5;
standoffPinDiameter  = 2;

pcbStands = [
   [5, 5, yappBaseOnly, yappHole ],
   [5, pcbWidth - 5, yappBaseOnly, yappHole],
   [62, 5,yappBaseOnly, yappHole],
   [62, pcbWidth - 5, 2, yappBaseOnly, yappHole],

cutoutsFront =  
    [3,pcbThickness,0,0,3,yappCircle, yappCoordPCB],
    [40,pcbThickness,0,0,3,yappCircle, yappCoordPCB],

cutoutsLeft =  
    [34, pcbThickness, 10, 10, 0, yappRectangle, yappCoordPCB],
    [8, 8, 0, 0, 3, yappCircle, yappCoordBoxInside ],
    [28, 8, 0, 0, 3, yappCircle, yappCoordBoxInside ]

areation = 10;

cutoutsBack =  
    [15, baseWallHeight - 15, 20, 3, 0, yappRectangle, yappCoordBoxInside],


cutoutsLid = [
    [22,42,0,0,4,yappCircle, yappCoordPCB],

snapJoins   =   
    [10, 5, yappLeft, yappRight, yappSymmetric]
   ,[10, 5, yappFront, yappBack, yappSymmetric]

//showPCB = true;


What version of OpenSCAD are you using?

I was able to generate your code (with only changing the path to the YAPP library, as mine is in an odd place).

I tested against OpenSCAD version 2021.01 on Windows 10

Same I'm using OpenScad 2021.01 on Windows 11.
Problem occrus when you render (F6) or export STL.
You need to clear cache to see the error. Clear cache+ F6 ==> error.
Then the generated STL has trouble printing the lid (especially if you remove yappBaseOnly, yappHole in pcbStands)

A fix has been released for this. Can you please update and confirm the fix.

It's better but I get this error:
ERROR: all points for rotate_extrude() must have the same X coordinate sign (range is -0.95 -> 0.00)

pcbStands = [
   [5, 5, yappBaseOnly, yappHole ],
   [5, pcbWidth - 5, yappBaseOnly, yappHole],
   [62, 5],
   [62, pcbWidth - 5, 2, yappBaseOnly, yappHole],

Remove yappBaseOnly and yappHole in pcbStands to see the errors.

Please try again with additional fix.

Looks good. I've generated the STL and able to slice it in Bambu Studio as well.

Closing: I will reopen if I see another issue. Many thanks !