
Python project for creating story

Primary LanguagePython

Moody Tales

We use to wish that there would be someone who tells you a story every day. Asks you what your mood is, and then take you in that world of tales.

Well, If you are looking for someone like that, then "Moody_Tales" is going to help you with that.

Moody_Tales feature:

  • Generate and read the story for you
  • Give you the option to choose your mood
  • --ex(Horror, Romance, Filmy, and others)
  • Interface: GUI (Graphical User Interface)

Technology used:

  • Language: Python
  • Libraries: Tkinter
  • API: Google Text to Speech API (gTTS API)

Requirements to run this project:

  • Python 3.5 or above
  • Import some Library
    • pip install tk Installing Tkinter for Graphical user interface
    • pip install gTTS Installing google text to speech API
    • pip install playsound Installing playsound for playing the audio

How to use this project

Fork this project and then dowload in you local system. After dowloading you can dirctly run Moody_tales.py file using Python and job done 😃