Hello Dear visitor 👋

No limits to fly as I haven’t seen how high is the sky,

Daily taking a deep drive in me to identify,

if some wings are left that I haven’t tried!!

I am a passionate learner who is curious to learn and explore new things.
I have been in various fields and had Learnt/Explored some amazing things.

A quick veiw on me

  • 🔭 I’m a Machine Learning and DataScience Lover
  • 🌱 Currently, I am exploring Machine learning and experimenting with Machine Learning
  • 👯 I'm working on a Machine learning project and looking to collaborate on something the same as it.
  • 🤔 Well, I am curious to work on Machine Learning or Data Science Internship
  • 😄 And Mentoring and teaching is something I truly love : )

⚡ My Hobbies:

  • : Love podcasts and Ted talks
  • : Books inspire me but "Audiobooks" I feel more convenient
  • : You can play table tennis with me ; )

Connect with me 🥂

GitHub LinkedIn

My protfolio's

My website
My start-up
Medium Profile




My contributions

Aman's github stats