
iOS file downloads but can't be found

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Using cordova, I have this all working on Android...and mostly on iOS too. However, after the download on iOS I can't find the file anywhere.

Here is my download function:

  $scope.downloadLink = function(fileInfo) {

    let storage_location = '' ;

    if (ionic.Platform.isIOS()) {
       storage_location = cordova.file.documentsDirectory ;
    } else if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid()) {
       storage_location = 'file:///storage/emulated/0/' ;
    let downloading = function(event) {
      var data = ;
      if (data[0] != 100) {
        var msg = "Downloading file: " +data[0]+ "%" ;
        var color = "red" ;
      } else {
        var msg = "DOWNLOAD COMPLETE!" ;
        var color = "green" ;
      $scope.startStatus(fileInfo.cfID,color,msg) ;
    let downloaded = function(event) {
      setTimeout(function() {
        $scope.endStatus(fileInfo.cfID) ;,downloaded) ;
      },5000) ;
    let initialized = function(event) {
      downloader.get(urlFile,null,newFileName) ;,initialized) ;
    } ;
    document.addEventListener('DOWNLOADER_initialized', initialized) ;
    document.addEventListener('DOWNLOADER_downloadProgress',downloading) ;
    document.addEventListener('DOWNLOADER_downloadSuccess', downloaded) ;
    downloader.init({folder: 'download', fileSystem: storage_location})

in xCode, I get the following write line, its like an extra / is being added to the write path:

-[CDVFileTransfer download:] [Line 423] File Transfer downloading file...
2020-12-09 02:33:06.476605-0500 AttendaGo[6154:7065118] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connection:didReceiveResponse:] [Line 771] Streaming to file /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/EADA1122-72EB-4A9A-8BF9-75D3F57E0147/Documents/download//Word1.DOC
2020-12-09 02:33:06.484266-0500 AttendaGo[6154:7065129] File Transfer Finished with response code 200
2020-12-09 02:33:06.484548-0500 AttendaGo[6154:7065129] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connectionDidFinishLoading:] [Line 637] File Transfer Download success

Specifically, this is the path, at the end, before the file name is the double // -

On Android, I can find the file in the download folder, but on iOS there is no such folder, and even if there was, the double // before the file name would still mess things up.

How can I get this file to save to the root Documents or Downloads folder...the public one....on iOS?


I then outputted the file systems the plugin is grabbing and got this, Can anyone tell me whats happening here?

    document.addEventListener('DOWNLOADER_gotFileSystem', function() {
      console.log( ;
    }) ;
    document.addEventListener('DOWNLOADER_gotFolder', function() {
      console.log( ;
    }) ;

    2020-12-09 10:10:00.585683-0500 AttendaGo[6196:7131475] [{"isFile":false,"isDirectory":true,"name":"","fullPath":"/","filesystem":"<FileSystem: persistent>","nativeURL":"file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/7C66DE16-73C0-4F10-99B8-8D42B8A01920/Documents/"}]
    2020-12-09 10:10:00.592567-0500 AttendaGo[6196:7131475] [{"isFile":false,"isDirectory":true,"name":"download","fullPath":"/download/","filesystem":"<FileSystem: persistent>","nativeURL":"file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/7C66DE16-73C0-4F10-99B8-8D42B8A01920/Documents/download/"}]
    2020-12-09 10:10:00.594968-0500 AttendaGo[6196:7131475] -[CDVFileTransfer download:] [Line 423] File Transfer downloading file...
    2020-12-09 10:10:01.026073-0500 AttendaGo[6196:7131762] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connection:didReceiveResponse:] [Line 771] Streaming to file /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/7C66DE16-73C0-4F10-99B8-8D42B8A01920/Documents/download//Word1.DOC
    2020-12-09 10:10:01.039425-0500 AttendaGo[6196:7131832] File Transfer Finished with response code 200
    2020-12-09 10:10:01.040594-0500 AttendaGo[6196:7131832] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connectionDidFinishLoading:] [Line 637] File Transfer Download success

This issue is only happening on iOS....the double // at the end of the write-to-path is def causing the issues, but trying to figure out where its coming from has been challenging:

I found these two areas that deal with removing/adding / from/to the path:

downloader.js, line 136 removes extra /s from the original filenames, not certain its working though...I think the leading / before the actual filename is not being removed, so later when a / is added back to the write-to-path its causing the double //

    var fileObject = {
      url: url,
      name: name || url.replace(/^.*\//, ""),
      md5: md5

and line 203 adds a / back to the path before the file name:

   * @param {FileObject} fileObject
  transferFile: function(fileObject) {
    var filePath = Downloader.localFolder.toURL() + "/" +;
    Downloader.transfer = new FileTransfer();
    Downloader.transfer.onprogress = function(progressEvent) {
      if (progressEvent.lengthComputable) {
        var percentage = Math.floor(progressEvent.loaded / * 100);
        document.dispatchEvent(createEvent("DOWNLOADER_downloadProgress", [percentage,]));
    };, filePath, function(entry) {
      // console.log("transferFile, succcess file name: " +;
      document.dispatchEvent(createEvent("DOWNLOADER_downloadSuccess", [entry]));
    }, function(error) {
      // console.log("transferFile, error file name: " +;
      document.dispatchEvent(createEvent("DOWNLOADER_downloadError", [error]));

Think I will need to parse the filePath and remove double // with a regex. Be easier than trying to account for iOS vs Android fileSystem structures.

I fixed that issue by adding:

filePath = filePath.replace(/\/\//g, "/") ;

However, now I am getting another error:

Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'result.lengthComputable')

Its coming from line 202 in FileTransfer.js of the cordova-plugin-file-transfer plugin.