
oneof keyword name cannot be "message"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When running under 1.2.0, if the following .proto file is passed to ocaml-protoc:

syntax = "proto3";
package foo;

message Wrapper {
  oneof message {
    Source source = 1;

message Source {
  string uri = 1;
  string data = 2;

It will cause a parse error: messages/messages.proto:5:0: Parsing error.

If the oneof name is changed to something else it will create the ml/mli files as expected. Thus, the below will work:

syntax = "proto3";
package foo;

message Wrapper {
  oneof foo {
    Source source = 1;

message Source {
  string uri = 1;
  string data = 2;

Fixed in #145 will start an opam release.