
A go package for compiling syntax trees to LLVM ir and WebAssembly ir

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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A go package for compiling syntax trees to LLVM ir and WebAssembly ir

Example usage

Adding to floats

double := goory.DoubleType()

module := goory.NewModule("test")

function := module.NewFunction("fpadd", double)
a := function.AddArgument(double, "a")
b := function.AddArgument(double, "b")

block := function.Entry()

result := block.Fadd(a, b)


Gcd algorithum

integer := goory.IntType(32)

module := goory.NewModule("test")

function := module.NewFunction("gcd", integer)
x := function.AddArgument(integer, "x")
y := function.AddArgument(integer, "y")

block := function.Entry()

xyEqual := block.Icmp(goory.IntEq, x, y)

trueBlock := function.AddBlock()

falseBlock := function.AddBlock()
xyLess := falseBlock.Icmp(goory.IntUlt, x, y)

elseIfBlock := function.AddBlock()
call1 := elseIfBlock.Call(function, x, elseIfBlock.Sub(y, x))

elseBlock := function.AddBlock()
call2 := elseBlock.Call(function, elseBlock.Sub(x, y), y)

block.CondBr(xyEqual, trueBlock, falseBlock)
falseBlock.CondBr(xyLess, elseIfBlock, elseBlock)

Fibonaci numbers

integer := goory.IntType(32)
module := goory.NewModule("test")

function := module.NewFunction("fib", integer)
n := function.AddArgument(integer, "n")

block := function.Entry()

trueBlock := function.AddBlock()
nEqualsZero := block.Icmp(goory.IntEq, n, goory.Constant(integer, 0))
nEqualsOne := block.Icmp(goory.IntEq, n, goory.Constant(integer, 1))
nOneOrZero := block.Or(nEqualsZero, nEqualsOne)

falseBlock := function.AddBlock()
fib1 := falseBlock.Call(function, falseBlock.Sub(n, goory.Constant(integer, 1)))
fib2 := falseBlock.Call(function, falseBlock.Sub(n, goory.Constant(integer, 2)))
falseBlock.Ret(falseBlock.Add(fib1, fib2))

block.CondBr(nOneOrZero, trueBlock, falseBlock)


  • Instructions:
    • Terminator instructions:
      • ret ✔
      • br ✔
      • switch
      • indirectbr
      • invoke
      • resume
      • catchswitch
      • catchret
      • cleanupret
      • unreachable
    • Binary operations:
      • add ✔
      • fadd ✔
      • sub ✔
      • fsub ✔
      • mul ✔
      • fmul ✔
      • udiv
      • sdiv ~
      • fdiv ✔
      • urem
      • srem
      • frem
    • Bitwise binary operations:
      • shl
      • lshr
      • ashr
      • and ✔
      • org
      • xor ✔
    • Vector operations:
      • extractelement
      • insertelement
      • shufflevector
    • Aggregate operations:
      • extractvalue
      • insertvalue
    • Memory access and addressing operations:
      • alloca
      • load
      • store
      • fence
      • cmpxchg
      • atomicrmw
      • getelementptr
    • Conversion operations:
      • trunc .. to ✔
      • zext .. to ✔
      • sext .. to ✔
      • fptrunc .. to ✔
      • fpext .. to ✔
      • fptoui .. to ✔
      • fptosi .. to ✔
      • uitofp .. to
      • sitofp .. to
      • ptrtoint .. to
      • inttoptr .. to
      • bitcast .. to
      • addrspacecast .. to
    • Other operations:
      • icmp ✔
      • fcmp ✔
      • phi
      • select
      • call ✔
      • va_arg
      • landingpad
      • catchpad
      • cleanuppad