
Diff refine hard to read

pierrelegall opened this issue · 4 comments

A diffing with a refine face is hard to read.

This example below come from a magit-status where # modified line is the refine.


I agree that that looks terrible. Can you give me some advice on how to reproduce this? I'm not sure what a refine is in git.

I named it a refine because it's the name of the faces variables (diff-refine-*, and more specificly diff-refine-added here).

In any case, this faces are used for the parts of a line which have been modified. You can enable it with this:

(setq magit-diff-refine-hunk t)
; or
(setq magit-diff-refine-hunk `all) ; I use this one

diff-refine-removed is not as bad as diff-refine-added but can be better too (see screenshot below).


I usually make foreground more flashy for the refines (like below).


Thanks a lot for the explanation! I pushed a change, can you let me know what you think? I tried making the foreground brighter but it wasn't clear enough for me, so I ended up just changing the highlight.

It is readable for now. Using the same background color for the two is ok for me.

Just for be sure we agree, I post below a result for your work:
