Help with pixel mapping on 64x32 panel.
bug2k19 opened this issue · 18 comments
I have a 64x32 panel which seems to be addressed in blocks of 16x4 pixels and 2 panels of 64x16 one on top of the other.
By creating 16x4 rectangles I can see that the blocks of pixels are mapped as follows, actual output to the right.
Using this code produces the following output on the panel.
`#include <ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h>
#define R1_PIN 2
#define G1_PIN 12
#define B1_PIN 4
#define R2_PIN 16
#define G2_PIN 27
#define B2_PIN 17
#define A_PIN 5
#define B_PIN 25
#define C_PIN 18
//#define D_PIN 33
#define D_PIN -1
#define E_PIN -1
#define LAT_PIN 32
#define OE_PIN 21
#define CLK_PIN 19
#define PANEL_RES_X 64
#define PANEL_RES_Y 16
#define PANEL_CHAIN 2
MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA *dma_display = nullptr;
void setup()
HUB75_I2S_CFG::i2s_pins _pins={R1_PIN, G1_PIN, B1_PIN, R2_PIN, G2_PIN, B2_PIN, A_PIN, B_PIN, C_PIN, D_PIN, E_PIN, LAT_PIN, OE_PIN, CLK_PIN};
HUB75_I2S_CFG mxconfig(
dma_display = new MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA(mxconfig);
dma_display->drawRect(16,0, 16, 4, 254);
dma_display->drawRect(112,0, 16, 4, 254);
dma_display->drawRect(0,12, 16, 4, 254);
dma_display->drawRect(96,12, 16, 4, 254);
void loop()
How would I modify the output so that the output looks correct?
Your explanation is not clear
Please show a video with result of this code:
for (int y=0; y < dma_display->height(); y++) {
for (int x=0; x < dma_display->width(); x++) {
dma_display->drawPixel(x,y, dma_display->color565(0, 0, 255));
Thanks for getting back, here's a clip running that code with the following panel settings.
#define PANEL_RES_X 64
#define PANEL_RES_Y 32
#define PANEL_CHAIN 1
Here is the code run with the following panel settings.
#define PANEL_RES_X 64
#define PANEL_RES_Y 16
#define PANEL_CHAIN 2
Thank you!
For second settings (i.e. PANEL_RES_Y 16) try this transform:
inline VirtualCoords OneEightScanPanel::getCoords(int16_t &x, int16_t &y) {
VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(x, y); // call to base to update coords for chaining approach
if ( coords.x == -1 || coords.y == -1 ) { // Co-ordinates go from 0 to X-1 remember! width() and height() are out of range!
return coords;
if ( (y & 8) == 0) {
coords.x += ((coords.x / 16)+1)*16; // 1st, 3rd 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
else {
coords.x += (coords.x / 16)*16; // 2nd, 4th 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
// Real number of DMA y rows is half reality
// coords.y = (y / 16)*8 + (y & 0b00000111);
coords.y = (y >> 4)*8 + (y & 0b00000111);
return coords;
Thanks! I'm an imbecile, where do I add/modify that code?
Please show your full test code (.ino) for second video
Here is the code for that run.
#include <ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h>
#define R1_PIN 2
#define G1_PIN 12
#define B1_PIN 4
#define R2_PIN 16
#define G2_PIN 27
#define B2_PIN 17
#define A_PIN 5
#define B_PIN 25
#define C_PIN 18
//#define D_PIN 33
#define D_PIN -1
#define E_PIN -1
#define LAT_PIN 32
#define OE_PIN 21
#define CLK_PIN 19
#define PANEL_RES_X 64
#define PANEL_RES_Y 16
#define PANEL_CHAIN 2
MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA *dma_display = nullptr;
void setup()
HUB75_I2S_CFG::i2s_pins _pins={R1_PIN, G1_PIN, B1_PIN, R2_PIN, G2_PIN, B2_PIN, A_PIN, B_PIN, C_PIN, D_PIN, E_PIN, LAT_PIN, OE_PIN, CLK_PIN};
HUB75_I2S_CFG mxconfig(
dma_display = new MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA(mxconfig);
for (int y=0; y < dma_display->height(); y++) {
for (int x=0; x < dma_display->width(); x++) {
dma_display->drawPixel(x,y, dma_display->color565(0, 0, 255));
// dma_display->drawRect(16,0, 16, 4, 254);
// dma_display->drawRect(112,0, 16, 4, 254);
// dma_display->drawRect(0,12, 16, 4, 254);
// dma_display->drawRect(96,12, 16, 4, 254);
void loop()
Save this as .ino file and try to run
#include <ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h>
class OneEightScanPanel : public VirtualMatrixPanel
using VirtualMatrixPanel::VirtualMatrixPanel; // inherit VirtualMatrixPanel's constructor(s)
/* Convert Real World 'VirtualMatrixPanel' co-ordinates (i.e. Real World pixel you're looking at
on the panel or chain of panels, per the chaining configuration) to a 1/8 panels
double 'stretched' and 'squished' coordinates which is what needs to be sent from the
DMA buffer.
Note: Look at the One_Eight_1_8_ScanPanel code and you'll see that the DMA buffer is setup
as if the panel is 2 * W and 0.5 * H !
VirtualCoords getCoords(int16_t &x, int16_t &y);
inline VirtualCoords OneEightScanPanel::getCoords(int16_t &x, int16_t &y) {
VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(x, y); // call to base to update coords for chaining approach
if ( coords.x == -1 || coords.y == -1 ) { // Co-ordinates go from 0 to X-1 remember! width() and height() are out of range!
return coords;
if ( (y & 8) == 0) {
coords.x += ((coords.x / 16)+1)*16; // 1st, 3rd 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
else {
coords.x += (coords.x / 16)*16; // 2nd, 4th 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
coords.y = (y >> 4)*8 + (y & 0b00000111);
return coords;
#define R1_PIN 2
#define G1_PIN 12
#define B1_PIN 4
#define R2_PIN 16
#define G2_PIN 27
#define B2_PIN 17
#define A_PIN 5
#define B_PIN 25
#define C_PIN 18
//#define D_PIN 33
#define D_PIN -1
#define E_PIN -1
#define LAT_PIN 32
#define OE_PIN 21
#define CLK_PIN 19
#define PANEL_RES_X 64
#define PANEL_RES_Y 32
#define PANEL_CHAIN 1
MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA *dma_display = nullptr;
// placeholder for the virtual display object
OneEightScanPanel *OneEightMatrixDisplay = nullptr;
void setup()
HUB75_I2S_CFG::i2s_pins _pins={R1_PIN, G1_PIN, B1_PIN, R2_PIN, G2_PIN, B2_PIN, A_PIN, B_PIN, C_PIN, D_PIN, E_PIN, LAT_PIN, OE_PIN, CLK_PIN};
HUB75_I2S_CFG mxconfig(
dma_display = new MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA(mxconfig);
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
for (int y=0; y < PANEL_RES_Y; y++) {
for (int x=0; x < PANEL_RES_X; x++) {
OneEightMatrixDisplay->drawPixel(x,y, dma_display->color565(0, 0, 255));
void loop()
I get an error on compiling, line4.
error: expected class-name before '{' token
Please show the error message in full
fix_test:4:1: error: expected class-name before '{' token
fix_test:6:11: error: 'VirtualMatrixPanel' has not been declared
using VirtualMatrixPanel::VirtualMatrixPanel; // inherit VirtualMatrixPanel's constructor(s)
fix_test:16:5: error: 'VirtualCoords' does not name a type
VirtualCoords getCoords(int16_t &x, int16_t &y);
fix_test:19:8: error: 'VirtualCoords' does not name a type
inline VirtualCoords OneEightScanPanel::getCoords(int16_t &x, int16_t &y) {
/mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino: In function 'void setup()':
fix_test:87:65: error: 'NUM_ROWS' was not declared in this scope
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
fix_test:87:75: error: 'NUM_COLS' was not declared in this scope
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
fix_test:87:111: error: 'SERPENT' was not declared in this scope
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
/mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:87:111: note: suggested alternative: 'ENOENT'
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
fix_test:87:120: error: 'TOPDOWN' was not declared in this scope
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
/mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:87:120: note: suggested alternative: 'ENETDOWN'
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
fix_test:87:127: error: new initializer expression list treated as compound expression [-fpermissive]
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
fix_test:91:30: error: 'class OneEightScanPanel' has no member named 'drawPixel'
OneEightMatrixDisplay->drawPixel(x,y, dma_display->color565(0, 0, 255));
exit status 1
expected class-name before '{' token
include the header
#include <ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h>
at the start of the code
I still get errors, apologies, I've had very little to do with c++ over the years.
#include <ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h>
#include <ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h>
class OneEightScanPanel : public VirtualMatrixPanel
using VirtualMatrixPanel::VirtualMatrixPanel; // inherit VirtualMatrixPanel's constructor(s)
/* Convert Real World 'VirtualMatrixPanel' co-ordinates (i.e. Real World pixel you're looking at
on the panel or chain of panels, per the chaining configuration) to a 1/8 panels
double 'stretched' and 'squished' coordinates which is what needs to be sent from the
DMA buffer.
Note: Look at the One_Eight_1_8_ScanPanel code and you'll see that the DMA buffer is setup
as if the panel is 2 * W and 0.5 * H !
VirtualCoords getCoords(int16_t &x, int16_t &y);
inline VirtualCoords OneEightScanPanel::getCoords(int16_t &x, int16_t &y) {
VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(x, y); // call to base to update coords for chaining approach
if ( coords.x == -1 || coords.y == -1 ) { // Co-ordinates go from 0 to X-1 remember! width() and height() are out of range!
return coords;
if ( (y & 8) == 0) {
coords.x += ((coords.x / 16)+1)*16; // 1st, 3rd 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
else {
coords.x += (coords.x / 16)*16; // 2nd, 4th 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
coords.y = (y >> 4)*8 + (y & 0b00000111);
return coords;
#define R1_PIN 2
#define G1_PIN 12
#define B1_PIN 4
#define R2_PIN 16
#define G2_PIN 27
#define B2_PIN 17
#define A_PIN 5
#define B_PIN 25
#define C_PIN 18
//#define D_PIN 33
#define D_PIN -1
#define E_PIN -1
#define LAT_PIN 32
#define OE_PIN 21
#define CLK_PIN 19
#define PANEL_RES_X 64
#define PANEL_RES_Y 32
#define PANEL_CHAIN 1
MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA *dma_display = nullptr;
// placeholder for the virtual display object
OneEightScanPanel *OneEightMatrixDisplay = nullptr;
void setup()
HUB75_I2S_CFG::i2s_pins _pins={R1_PIN, G1_PIN, B1_PIN, R2_PIN, G2_PIN, B2_PIN, A_PIN, B_PIN, C_PIN, D_PIN, E_PIN, LAT_PIN, OE_PIN, CLK_PIN};
HUB75_I2S_CFG mxconfig(
dma_display = new MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA(mxconfig);
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
for (int y=0; y < PANEL_RES_Y; y++) {
for (int x=0; x < PANEL_RES_X; x++) {
OneEightMatrixDisplay->drawPixel(x,y, dma_display->color565(0, 0, 255));
void loop()
/mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino: In member function 'VirtualCoords OneEightScanPanel::getCoords(int16_t&, int16_t&)':
fix_test:21:37: error: 'virtual VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(int16_t, int16_t)' is private within this context
VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(x, y); // call to base to update coords for chaining approach
In file included from /mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:2:
/mnt/code/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:174:22: note: declared private here
inline VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(int16_t virt_x, int16_t virt_y)
fix_test:23:8: error: 'VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::coords' is private within this context
if ( coords.x == -1 || coords.y == -1 ) { // Co-ordinates go from 0 to X-1 remember! width() and height() are out of range!
In file included from /mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:2:
/mnt/code/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:147:19: note: declared private here
VirtualCoords coords;
fix_test:23:26: error: 'VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::coords' is private within this context
if ( coords.x == -1 || coords.y == -1 ) { // Co-ordinates go from 0 to X-1 remember! width() and height() are out of range!
In file included from /mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:2:
/mnt/code/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:147:19: note: declared private here
VirtualCoords coords;
fix_test:24:12: error: 'VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::coords' is private within this context
return coords;
In file included from /mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:2:
/mnt/code/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:147:19: note: declared private here
VirtualCoords coords;
fix_test:29:5: error: 'VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::coords' is private within this context
coords.x += ((coords.x / 16)+1)*16; // 1st, 3rd 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
In file included from /mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:2:
/mnt/code/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:147:19: note: declared private here
VirtualCoords coords;
fix_test:29:19: error: 'VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::coords' is private within this context
coords.x += ((coords.x / 16)+1)*16; // 1st, 3rd 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
In file included from /mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:2:
/mnt/code/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:147:19: note: declared private here
VirtualCoords coords;
fix_test:32:5: error: 'VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::coords' is private within this context
coords.x += (coords.x / 16)*16; // 2nd, 4th 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
In file included from /mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:2:
/mnt/code/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:147:19: note: declared private here
VirtualCoords coords;
fix_test:32:18: error: 'VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::coords' is private within this context
coords.x += (coords.x / 16)*16; // 2nd, 4th 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
In file included from /mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:2:
/mnt/code/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:147:19: note: declared private here
VirtualCoords coords;
fix_test:36:3: error: 'VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::coords' is private within this context
coords.y = (y >> 4)*8 + (y & 0b00000111);
In file included from /mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:2:
/mnt/code/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:147:19: note: declared private here
VirtualCoords coords;
fix_test:39:10: error: 'VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::coords' is private within this context
return coords;
In file included from /mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:2:
/mnt/code/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h:147:19: note: declared private here
VirtualCoords coords;
/mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino: In function 'void setup()':
fix_test:88:65: error: 'NUM_ROWS' was not declared in this scope
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
fix_test:88:75: error: 'NUM_COLS' was not declared in this scope
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
fix_test:88:111: error: 'SERPENT' was not declared in this scope
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
/mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:88:111: note: suggested alternative: 'ENOENT'
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
fix_test:88:120: error: 'TOPDOWN' was not declared in this scope
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
/mnt/code/esp32/test/fix_test/fix_test.ino:88:120: note: suggested alternative: 'ENETDOWN'
OneEightMatrixDisplay = new OneEightScanPanel((*dma_display), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, SERPENT, TOPDOWN);
exit status 1
'virtual VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(int16_t, int16_t)' is private within this context
Sorry, it seems my solution required too many changes...
I'm sorry, in another discussion I gave this solution to a person and it worked.
Is there a location I can find the workaround?
getCoords(int16_t, int16_t)' is private within this context
@bug2k19 - if you understand, try to make method getCoords() public in VirtualMatrixPanel class
I got it working by changing some of the code in the ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h header file, it's not an elegant solution, but works for the panel I have.
inline VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(int16_t virt_x, int16_t virt_y)
#if !defined NO_GFX
// I don't give any support if Adafruit GFX isn't being used.
if (virt_x < 0 || virt_x >= _width || virt_y < 0 || virt_y >= _height) // _width and _height are defined in the adafruit constructor
{ // Co-ordinates go from 0 to X-1 remember! otherwise they are out of range!
coords.x = coords.y = -1; // By defalt use an invalid co-ordinates that will be rejected by updateMatrixDMABuffer
return coords;
if (virt_x < 0 || virt_x >= _virtualResX || virt_y < 0 || virt_y >= _virtualResY) // _width and _height are defined in the adafruit constructor
{ // Co-ordinates go from 0 to X-1 remember! otherwise they are out of range!
coords.x = coords.y = -1; // By defalt use an invalid co-ordinates that will be rejected by updateMatrixDMABuffer
return coords;
coords.x = virt_x;
coords.y = virt_y;
return coords;
But take the note, that your solution will works only with a single panel.
Could you please replace your function with code below and test?
inline VirtualCoords VirtualMatrixPanel::getCoords(int16_t virt_x, int16_t virt_y)
#if !defined NO_GFX
// I don't give any support if Adafruit GFX isn't being used.
if (virt_x < 0 || virt_x >= _width || virt_y < 0 || virt_y >= _height) // _width and _height are defined in the adafruit constructor
{ // Co-ordinates go from 0 to X-1 remember! otherwise they are out of range!
coords.x = coords.y = -1; // By defalt use an invalid co-ordinates that will be rejected by updateMatrixDMABuffer
return coords;
if (virt_x < 0 || virt_x >= _virtualResX || virt_y < 0 || virt_y >= _virtualResY) // _width and _height are defined in the adafruit constructor
{ // Co-ordinates go from 0 to X-1 remember! otherwise they are out of range!
coords.x = coords.y = -1; // By defalt use an invalid co-ordinates that will be rejected by updateMatrixDMABuffer
return coords;
coords.x = virt_x; coords.y = virt_y;
if ( ( virt_y & 8) == 0) {
coords.x += ((coords.x / 16)+1)*16; // 1st, 3rd 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
else {
coords.x += (coords.x / 16)*16; // 2nd, 4th 'block' of 8 rows of pixels, offset by panel width in DMA buffer
coords.y = ( virt_y >> 4)*8 + ( virt_y & 0b00000111);
return coords;
Thanks, I realise it was a hack just to get this panel working. Your new code also works correctly with this panel.