
Color issue - Red is bright, green is dim, blue is nonexistant

jrlambs opened this issue · 6 comments

I have a weird issue. Title kinda describes it all. In my program I'm loading I cycle through red, green, blue then show some text in white. The Red shows up nice and bright, the green shows up but maybe like 1/10th as bright as the red. and the blue as far as I can tell doesn't show up at all. When the "White" text shows up it ofc is red because the green/blue components of it aren't offsetting the colors.

I've checked and re-checked wiring/pins about 30 times. I've tried a couple of different esp32 boards and still come back to the same issue. Any thoughts on anything I can troubleshoot?

What chips are at the back of the board?

I see a few chips:

One labeled:

One labeled

One Labeled:

ICN2037BP - driver, RUC7258D - multiplexer
Nothing unusual or incompatible.
Panel should work with the library.

@jrlambs - faulty panel? do you have another panels for testing?

Hmm I've tried 3 panels and all behave the same. I'm using this board:
with this esp controller (I've tried 2 different ones esp boards):

nothing else hooked up to the board than the esp controller and the female headers on the back. Can you think of any ports I have mapped wrong that might cause this issue?

This is my config:

#define R1_PIN  25
#define B1_PIN  27
#define R2_PIN  14
#define B2_PIN  13
#define A_PIN   23
#define C_PIN   5
#define CLK_PIN 16
#define OE_PIN  15
#define G1_PIN  26
#define G2_PIN  12
#define B_PIN   19
#define D_PIN   17
#define E_PIN   -1
#define LAT_PIN 4
#define PANEL_RES_X 32
#define PANEL_RES_Y 32
#define PANEL_CHAIN 1

HUB75_I2S_CFG mxconfig(
  PANEL_RES_X,   // module width
  PANEL_RES_Y,   // module height
  PANEL_CHAIN    // Chain length

mxconfig.gpio.a = A_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.b = B_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.c = C_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.d = D_PIN;
//mxconfig.gpio.e = E_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.r1 = R1_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.g1 = G1_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.b1 = B1_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.r2 = R2_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.g2 = G2_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.b2 = B2_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.clk = CLK_PIN;
mxconfig.gpio.oe = OE_PIN; = LAT_PIN;
mxconfig.clkphase = false;
mxconfig.driver = HUB75_I2S_CFG::FM6126A;
// Display Setup
dma_display = new MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA(mxconfig);

Is there maybe a different driver I should be using? If I comment out the driver line basically every color shows as red... not even light green anymore :(

Ah I'm an idiot. My power supply was dead.. so it was just using whatever power it was getting from the esp board. Plugged it into a good power supply and I have all my colors!