
Source Control tab is completely empty

Opened this issue · 3 comments

In VSC I opened a folder that is a hg repository (the main project folder contains a .hg folder).

I go to the Source Control tab and all I see is this:


For about a minute or less there were a bunch of hg processes consuming 100% CPU

Wait, is it only showing changes in the working directory? (there are none in mine). Is it not supposed to show the history anywhere?

I have the same issue. Nothing in source control, just like in the screenshot above. But yesterday it somewhat worked until I tried to add files to commit, there were some errors, and after that it was empty after restart. But I still can see which lines were changed in files.


  • VS code remote via SSH, server is Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
  • VS code version: 1.88.1
  • hg extension version: v1.9.0
  • hg version on remote server: 4.0.2 (old, from 2016)

Logs from output > hg look like this:

hg outgoing -q
hg log -T json -r p1() + p2()
hg branch
hg status -C
hg log -T json -r p1() + p2()
hg branch
hg status -C
hg cat <somefile> -r .
hg cat <someotherfile> -r .
hg incoming -q
hg outgoing -q
hg log -T json -r p1() + p2()
hg branch
hg status -C
hg log -T json -r p1() + p2()
hg branch
hg status -C