
Primary LanguageJinja

There are 2 roles provided so far:
  fedora-generic - build a vm
  traffic-shapping - apply traffic shapping to your vms

If you just want to run everything, you can just do this:

ansible-playbook playbooks/main.yaml

This has been tested on Fedora 36, when building Fedora 36 VMs

## fedora-generic

Currently the fedora-generic role builds a VMs according to your inventory.
The fedora-generic var use_dhcp determines whether you get a static ip address or a DHCP aquired one.

Once you're happy and you just want to build your VMs:

ansible-playbook playbooks/main.yaml --tags buildvms

Once built, you can `ssh root@<ipaddr>` as your ssh key has been injected

## traffic-shaping

The traffic-shaping role can be run multiple times.  Just update your inventory to reflect the network architecture you desire, including the latency between
certain nodes.

Once you're happy and you just want to apply traffic shaping:

ansible-playbook playbooks/main.yaml --tags trafficshape

## FAQ

Because of the way ansible uses ssh, if you have an ssh key that has a passphrase
associated with it, you may need to add the following entry to ~/.ssh/config to
allow the ssh-agent to forward through your passphase.

Host localhost
    HostName localhost
    ForwardAgent yes