
Performing a GeoFire Query on a nested object with array in Flutter

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Hello together,

is it even possible to perform a request on a nested query with array with this lib on a CollectionGroup ?

I try to query for this GeoFirePoint in my DB
Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-24 um 07 15 18

but i have to admit, struggle with the field to define as well as it contains an array.
Is this the right term for the Stream Setup ?

Stream<List<DocumentSnapshot>> fullServiceCollectionGroup = geo .collection( collectionRef: FirebaseFirestore.instance.collectionGroup('professional')) .within( center: geoPoint, radius: radius, field: 'serviceArea.serviceLocationList.position.geoFirePoint');

Or am i maybe just wrong with my Index ?

Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-24 um 07 28 01

Hope for your help :)
Thanks a lot

Sorry wrong package