
Documentation - How to

gaitat opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Is there any type of documentation on this library. I have seen the online presentations using it and the obsidian demo but I would really like to understand the json input file and how to design using it.
This library would solve a lot of my issues.

Unfortunately it's still not ready for others to use...

Hi @mrdoob
There are any news about this? Are you still working in this library? Or... is it abandoned?
Thanks in advance. ๐Ÿ™

I recently figured out how this library should be. I intend to reimplement it with the right structure over the next few months.

Ok, I understand. But it would be cool to have some documentation and a working version of the editor without the need of modifying it. Its just a suggestion. I'm looking forward to see a full working version anytime soon.

Thanks anyway! And keep up the good work! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Closing this because since 6449949 the code base is now different. Open a new PR is needed.