Frame.js name conflict
bishopZ opened this issue · 2 comments
Hey MrDoob!
I am a longtime user of THREE and am excited to see this new library evolve.
Fyi, I have published this library for over a year, and plan to continue its development.
- Perhaps my library can provide some inspiration for this project
- Can you recommend a way to sort out the names of the two libraries, or at least provide some differentiation in their descriptions.
In appreciation,
Uh oh... I struggled to find a name for this one. I thought frame.js was appropriate as it's the core of what the library does. What's the logic behind the naming in your case?
Otherwise... there are 2 tween.js out there and people refer them as gskinner's tween.js or sole's tween.js. So I don't think it's a problem.
I agree it is not a huge deal. Name conflicts are unavoidable.
Think about a film camera, where the word "frame" comes from. A frame is the smallest piece of the larger motion picture or reel, and my frame.js is much more limited in scope than this one. Just in terms of language, it seems that you are looking for Timeline rather than Frame, in that this library aims to be a complete animation framework, not simply a Frame manager. Just based on the one line description, it looks like this library hopes to be the whole projector, while mine attempts only to be a sprocket.
Also, please do consider using my sprocket in your projector. I would love to assist.
In appreciation,