

AndrewRayCode opened this issue · 24 comments

There are plenty of shaders on glsl-sandbox that could deter visitors, or make glsl-sandbox inappropriate to use in presentations. The site can be a great learning tool but I'd be hesitant to tell newcomers to check out glsl-sandbox. There is no official code of conduct but would be in good spirit of inclusiveness in the tech community to create one.

Do you have examples?

I think the examples are obvious, but to humor you,

Genitals abound (see also the comments in these shaders)

Text shaders:

The constant recreation of "Fractal Orgy"

Shadertoy at a glance has no instances of these types of shaders, at least from a cursory inspection which I can only imagine is a conscious decision. They don't explicitly say it in their terms, but they do have this:

Shadertoy reserves the right to suspend any user account without further notice and, in the same way, Shadertoy reserves the right to block any shaders or assets without further notice.

Haha! I see... Yeah, the problem is that there are no human resources to do this.

Also, I always saw glslsandbox a bit like the 4chan of shaders: Unmoderated, anonymous, sometimes inappropriate, ...

This really should be handled some how. I want to recommend this to my students (high school) but I simply cannot do it due to these inappropriate images. How about a "send an email" button with your email address and you can remove them in your time?

It's been 2 years since this issue was posted and those links still work (which means no attempt at all has been made to clean these) There are now more of these (copy cats it looks like) from just copying the existing projects.

The problem will continue.

@dagostinelli maybe it would be better to point your students to shadertoy instead?

Well, there are now nazis around, which is what tends to happen when you leave something unmoderated.

Seems like they got bored already though... Anyway, I think this can be closed.

Nope. Nazis, AGAIN.

This is really, really making me never want to use the site again.

Please understand that in this day and age, having nazi imagery on your front page is really, really, really offputting to quite a few of your users.

Do I really need to say that?

@DagAgren Would you like to moderate the site? As part of the task you'll have to build the moderation tools and eventually find a successor when you burn out or no longer have time for it.

I volunteer to co-moderate. What a gigantic turn-off.

Look, I like the site and I use it a lot, but if it's going to be a playground for nazis, just shutting the damn thing down is an improvement.

Welll. We can do a few easy things. A thumbs down tool would help. If you get 50, say, then the shader gets turned off automatically (for instance) Let's get PR #46 approved soon and work on a thumbs down button. This repo needs a bunch of minor stuff to make local dev work a little easier.

The site is still full of nazis.

Working on it...

still a problem. what can we do to help? i would moderate as well

I've just stopped using the site. I was using it to have fun, not to have to deal with fucking nazis.

@jfontan what do you think we should do here?

Or just give some people db access to delete unwanted content?

@niklasp The problem is that the db is an old mongodb database. Deleting the effects using the command line interface would be cumbersome.

@mrdoob I've took a look at the old code I had and it could not be used as is. I'm working on a prototype to have the same functionality as we now have and add an admin area to moderate them. I'll update this issue as soon as I have something to show. Hopefully I can get enough free time these weeks.

@jfontan sounds good!

Sorry for the radio silence. I could not work on this until recently.

I have a working prototype of the gallery with an administration interface to hide effects. It's running temporarily here with some test effects:

The code is located here:

There are still things to do:

  • Layout is messed up after adding the admin interface. I'll probably need help here.
  • Admin is not password protected
  • Code is running in debug mode so it reloads templates on each query
  • Is not running https. I plan to use letsencrypt certs.
  • Generate binaries so it is easier to work on templates and javascript if you don't have a go compiler installed
  • Delete old ruby code

I'll do make a pull request as this is sorted out and prepare the migration if you think we should. It may be better to move this conversation to a new issue.

I've added very rough and basic authentication. User admin and password 78ea4dcf6299eb384b7d6d10768ffc24 in case you want to check.

There's a bug and in admin effects cannot be unhidden.

I've also added documenation and binaries in case you want to modify the templates or the javascript.