
Directory flags not working any more

mregni opened this issue · 4 comments

Seems like settings any or all of the dir flags is not working any more.
Configuration always stays the same

Now the arguments are taken into consideration with beta34, however, all paths are treated as relative and it's not possible to set an absolute path.

Using the command /opt/embystat/EmbyStat --data-dir /config results in Config dir: /opt/embystat/config, instead of Config dir: /config

A path starting with a / should be treated as an absolute path.


I just uploaded beta.36 with a fix for this issue. Can you check if it's working now correctly again?
Flags to use are --enable-updates false --data-dir /config --log-dir /config/log --config-dir /config

Not lsio image, but confirming the value path passed correctly.

[2022-06-10 19:36:38.078] []  [INF] --------------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.123] []  [INF] System info:
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.123] []  [INF]     Environment     Production
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.123] []  [INF]     Debugger        False
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.126] []  [INF]     Process Name    EmbyStat
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     Version
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     Log level:      Information
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     Port:           6555
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     SSL Port:       6556
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     SSL Enabled:    False
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     URLs:           *
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     Config dir:     /home/debian/embystat
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     Log dir:        /home/debian/embystat/log
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     Data dir:       /home/debian/embystat
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     Can update:     False
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF]     As service:     False
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.127] []  [INF] --------------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.381] [Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.XmlKeyManager]  [WRN] No XML encryptor configured. Key {9fd1fbc3-d644-470a-887c-007d47e2c34b} may be persisted to storage in unencrypted form.
[2022-06-10 19:36:38.521] [Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime]  [INF] Now listening on: http://[::]:6555
[2022-06-10 19:36:40.386] [Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime]  [INF] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
[2022-06-10 19:36:40.387] [Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime]  [INF] Hosting environment: Production
[2022-06-10 19:36:40.387] [Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime]  [INF] Content root path: /opt/embystat

Closing it for now as it seems fixed, if not let me know.