
Please do some updates

hmuhdkamran opened this issue · 4 comments

it is very essential to have pop-up just like "", I have integrated like if the user click on stay the token is updated with new expiry time.
second role based menu or features like '' would be beneficial.
separate layout for login and logged-in pages.
unit test for vue components should be added, like karma i.e ''
repository based db integration should be integrated, I have done it and happy to share.
date time filter should be integrated as vue v-model integrated with date but need work around.

some of those are quite good ideas. I have am very busy at work lately though, but will definitely add a good number of them in the near future

could you please describe the date time filter idea in more detail? that is the only one I am not clear on. if you could take the time to do a gist, or even just some psuedo-code so I can understand, that would be helpful!

suppose we are binding date and time variable with `", when you set the 'dob = new Date(), dob = Date.Now' or get from db the control doesn't populate the value, you have to use momet for this purpose. if the engine use its own or customized filter it will be fantastic,

look at the following link and made the mentioned changes, you will understand and change date2 : '2017-07-04' to date2 : new Date()

ok, thanks for that code, gives me a better idea of the problem being solved.

i will break down your original request into multiple issues, and add them to a new project board for actioning.

Okay, i have done this now. A good number of them you will see come through in the future.

Two I won't be taking on board are

  • repositories in dotnetcore code : it's fairly easy to implement that pattern if people want to add it themselves. and I personally don't use it myself, as it adds overhead
  • role-driven menus : I can understand why this is appropriate, but not adding it to the list straight away data-driven roles that can be created by power users are very common place. If I get the time later in the year though, will action it!