
Failed to compile

Jeekaz opened this issue · 3 comments

any ideas?

The latest Visual Studio update broke the WDK. You can fix this by setting the 'external include path' manually in the project properties, but it's easier to do it in the WDK files because otherwise you'll need to fix every WDK project you ever open or make until they update the WDK again.

  1. Close any open Visual Studio instances.
  2. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build and open WindowsDriver.Win32.props and WindowsDriver.x64.props (and WindowsDriver.arm.props/WindowsDriver.arm64.props if you have them) in a text editor. These files will start with something along the lines of
  <ExecutablePath >$(ExecutablePath);$(WDKBinRoot_x86);$(WDKContentRoot)tools\x86\Tracing</ExecutablePath>

Add an ExternalIncludePath attribute to the property groups so that they look like this:

  <ExecutablePath >$(ExecutablePath);$(WDKBinRoot_x86);$(WDKContentRoot)tools\x86\Tracing</ExecutablePath>
  1. Save the files and reopen your project(s).

This should fix the problem.