Šioje repositorijoje galite rasti VU Studentų atstovybės puslapio kodą. Daugiau apie VU SA.
Daugiau skaitykite diskusijoje, čia.
Kaip susikurti lokalią erdvę, parodyta sekcijoje For start of development
Keletas taisyklių:
- Commit'ai, branch'ai - tik anglų kalba. Visa kita gali būti pasirinkta kalba - lietuvių arba anglų
- Jeigu yra noro diegti naują funkciją, būtinai turi įvykti diskusija, projektas ar issue, ir sutarta, kad tokia funkcija bus įdiegiama. Kitu atveju - visiškai negarantuoju, kad funkcija, pakeitimas bus įtrauktas į main šaką.
Puslapį palaiko Justinas Kavoliūnas nuo 2018 m. rugsėjo, iki tol - Mindaugas Taločka.
This is the repo for vusa.lt website. Everyone is welcome to help. :) More about VU SA. Also, read more on the vusa.lt repository: here 😄
The easiest method to develop. You have to be able to run Docker and PHP (temporarily) on your machine.
- Clone the repository
- Install PHP8 (used only for comoposer and sail setup)
- Download composer, run
composer update
- After updating the repository, run
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
- Other setup steps:
- Copy
and rename it to.env
./vendor/bin/sail composer update
./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate
./vendor/bin/sail npm update
./vendor/bin/sail npm run dev
./vendor/bin/sail artisan storage:link
- Go to http://localhost:8080 and create database manually, with name
, collationutf8mb4_lithuanian_ci
. ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate:fresh
- Copy
For optimal installation you'll also need the SQL file of database records. Please contact @justinaskav for this. I haven't had the time for any seeders.
More instructions on Laravel Sail
There still should be some prerequisites missing, so I'll update this in time.
UPDATE: The repo is on PHP 8.1, so some steps may not work. If you don't want to run docker, then I'll advise to substitute php8.0
with php8.1
For Windows computers, WSL is a good and quite a simple solution to use in this case. Installation guide
- PHP 8.0 install. Installation guide
- After PHP install, install PHP modules:
sudo apt install php8.0-curl php8.0-zip php8.0-mbstring php8.0-dom php8.0-sqlite3 php8.0-gd
- Install Composer v2. Installation guide.
- Install Node.js. On some computers, simple
sudo apt install nodejs
could work (check version, if below v14 and on Ubuntu, use this guide
Laravel and vusa.lt installation:
- Clone the directory with
:git clone https://github.com/vu-sa/vusa.lt.git
will work. - Create a copy of the file
and name it.env
- Run
php composer install
orcomposer install
, depending if the Composer is global or not - Run
php artisan key:generate
- Setup a database (recommended:
touch database/database.sqlite
) - Run
npm install && npm run dev
- Run
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- Run
php artisan storage:link
- Modify your hosts file to direct vusa.testas to
php artisan serve
- Open vusa.testas:8000
- Modify your host file to direct if.vusa.testas to Only if domain is supported for unit site development ATM.
- Open if.vusa.testas:8000. Make sure that the server (
php artisan serve
) is on.
Apache2 is the recommended server for development, since it may resemble the production environment more.
How to setup:
- Make sure
is installed (sudo apt install apache2
) - Create a
file with this body.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName vusa.testas
ServerAlias www.vusa.testas if.vusa.testas
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot [INSERT YOUR DOCUMENT ROOT, something like .../vusa.lt/public]
UseCanonicalName OFF
<Directory [INSERT YOUR DOCUMENT ROOT DIRECTORY, something like .../vusa.lt/]>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
- Modify hosts file to have a IPv6 loopback: vusa.testas
::1 vusa.testas if.vusa.testas
::1 if.vusa.testas
- Give the
user your user group permissions, likesudo usermod -a -G justinas www-data
(or fix the permissions yourself, however you want). - Give group write permissions to laravel.log
sudo chmod g+w storage/logs/laravel.log
- Run
sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo service apache2 restart
If any questions arise how to setup for development, please write to it@vusa.lt 😄