
[1.12.2] Some incompatibilities/issues with various mods

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, when your mod and ItemPhysic Full are installed, game CTD because of fix 123320. Once I load the game first with your mod only and disable the fix, game starts up successfully. Default config for MUP.


The game also does not start with Phospor mod, probably because of lighting engine.


The game also crashes with a mod Random Patches when fixes mc1133, mc2025, mc9568, mc14826. mc64836, mc80032, mc98153, mc111444, mc118710 are enabled.
Mods cover some same areas, so fyi.

Maybe there are more incompatibilities, but have not played with MUC settings yet to discover them. Did not attach logs for 2 issues as I solved them by disabling mentioned fixes. Are you able to tell me which ones are better, from your mod or those conflicting? I assume yours does better job on that. I have not tested them in-game yet, listing other mods (on client, not on server) that I tested the startup sucessfully (with mentioned fixes disabled):

If you need more info I can provide it.

Thank you for reporting and taking the time to identify the exact conflicting fixes. I'll investigate and get these handled appropriately.

I also reported it to Random Patches, some of them are supposedly fixed in their version. Have not have time to check it out yet though.

Seems like Random Patches works now with mentioned fixes enabled, though I experienced another mod conflict.
MC does not start with ForgeEssentials-1.12.2-12.3.73-Server.jar when mc98153 is enabled.