Docker Images from Oracle

This repository stores Dockerfiles and samples to build Docker images for Oracle products and Open Source projects.

And Open Source projects:

Oracle Linux images can be found in the OracleLinux-images branch of this repository.

For support and certification information, please consult the documentation for each product.


NOTE: Before invoking the build make sure you have built oracle/weblogic:

Under the directory docker-images/OracleWebLogic/samples/12213-domain-home-in-image/container_scripts find the script This script extracts the following Docker arguments and passes them as a --build-arg to the Dockerfile.

  • Domain Name: DOMAIN_NAME (default: base_domain)
  • Admin Port: ADMIN_PORT (default: 7001)
  • Managed Server Port: MANAGED_SERVER_PORT (default: 8001)
  • Debug Port: DEBUG_PORT (default: 8453)
  • Database Port: DB_PORT (default: 1527)
  • Admin Server Name: ADMIN_NAME (default: admin-server)
  • Admin Server Host: ADMIN_HOST (default: wlsadmin)

NOTE: The DOMAIN_HOME will be persisted in the image directory /u01/oracle/user-projects/domains/$DOMAIN_NAME.

To build this sample, run:

    $ . container-scripts/ ./properties/docker_build/
    $ docker build $BUILD_ARG  --force-rm=true -t 12213-domain-home-in-image .

During Docker Run: of the admin and managed servers, the user name and password need to be passed in as well as some optional parameters. The property file is located in a docker-images/OracleWebLogic/samples/12213-domain-home-in-image/properties/docker_run in the HOST. In the Docker run command line add the -v option which maps the property file into the image directory /u01/oracle/properties.

To start the containerized Administration Server, run:

    $ docker run -d --name wlsadmin --hostname wlsadmin -p 7001:7001 \
      -v <HOST DIRECTORY TO PROPERTIES FILE>/properties/docker_run:/u01/oracle/properties \

To start a containerized Managed Server (MS1) to self-register with the Administration Server above, run:

    $ docker run -d --name MS1 --link wlsadmin:wlsadmin -p 8001:8001 \
      -v <HOST DIRECTORY TO PROPERTIES FILE>/properties/docker_run:/u01/oracle/properties \
      -e MANAGED_SERV_NAME=managed-server1 12213-domain-home-in-image

To start a second Managed Server (MS2), run:

    $ docker run -d --name MS2 --link wlsadmin:wlsadmin -p 8002:8001 \
      -v <HOST DIRECTORY TO PROPERTIES FILE>/properties/docker_run:/u01/oracle/properties \
      -e MANAGED_SERV_NAME=managed-server2 12213-domain-home-in-image

The above scenario from this sample will give you a WebLogic domain with a cluster set up on a single host environment.

You may create more containerized Managed Servers by calling the docker command above


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