
HumanEval Hinglish Translations Tracker

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Please select any of the unchecked HumanEval problems and verify its translation by visiting the corresponding link to the draft translation. Make a PR for any changes. If a translation is already good, or if you have made a PR for it, make sure you check the corresponding box.


Translations should be in conversational Hindi, i.e., the "Hinglish" that we are used to speaking in technical/academic contexts besides everyday life. We are not looking for a pure translation to Hindi.


If you are not fluent in Hindi and think you cannot contribute to this task, do not worry! There is a lot more to be done (details in our next meeting).

Any questions or discussions can be taken up here.

Any questions or discussions can be taken up here.

I accidentally committed Fix-19 into main rather than making a new PR. Pls see that too.

DONE!!! finally!!! now pls merge these and from the final ones we can make the humanEval Hinglish version.

Great job everyone! I will close this Issue for now then. Let us now focus on the open PRs.