Extends Controller Index optional parameter NOT ALLOWED
fredodiable opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello everyone,
I'm having an issue using an extends controller with optional parameter for the index
I would like to create these 2 routes for my api
- /users => get all users
- /users/1 => get user with id = 1
If I do it without a controller it works
$router->get("/users", function() { return "get all users"; });
$router->get("/users/{id:i}?", function($id = null) { return "get user id = $id"; });
Now with a controller
$router->controller("/users", "UsersController");
With a public function getIndex($pId = null)
- /users => i got a METHOD NOT ALLOWED error
- /users/1 => work
Trying with the following route now
$router->controller("/users/{id:i}?", "UsersController");
Method parameter is not $id else we got "Cannot use the same placeholder 'id' twice"
With a public function getIndex($pId = null)
- /users => i got a METHOD NOT ALLOWED error
- /users/1 => i got a METHOD NOT ALLOWED error
I need to add this method for both routes to work
public function anyIndex($pId = null)
- /users => work
- /users/1 => work
Why the first test don't work?
Did I miss something ?
Is this a bug ?
Thx for answers :)
Edit :
After some others tests
TEST 2 work directly from extends controller but not if defined in base controller
I know that your question was some months back, but I wonder if this might help:
namespace Tester {
abstract class BaseController
public function indexAction(): string
return 'Called: ' . __METHOD__;
class Controller extends BaseController
public function listingAction(string $page): string
return 'Called: ' . __METHOD__ . "\n" . 'Page: ' . $page;
public function productAction(string $query): string
return 'Called: ' . __METHOD__ . "\n" . 'Query string: ' . $query;
namespace {
include dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Phroute\Phroute\Dispatcher;
use Phroute\Phroute\RouteCollector;
$collector = new RouteCollector();
$collector->get('', ['\\Tester\\Controller', 'indexAction']);
$collector->get('listing/{page}', ['\\Tester\\Controller', 'listingAction']);
$collector->get('product?{query}', ['\\Tester\\Controller', 'productAction']);
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher($collector->getData());
echo $dispatcher->dispatch('GET', '/'), "\n";
echo $dispatcher->dispatch('GET', 'listing/2'), "\n";
echo $dispatcher->dispatch('GET', 'product?action=edit&id=coffee'), "\n";
The output should be:
Called: Tester\BaseController::indexAction
Called: Tester\Controller::listingAction
Page: 2
Called: Tester\Controller::productAction
Query string: action=edit&id=coffee
this worked fine, look like this now
$router->post("/users", [UsersController::class, "postIndex"]);
$router->get("/users", [UsersController::class, "getIndex"]);
$router->get("/users/{id:i}?", [UsersController::class, "getIndex"]);
$router->put("/users", [UsersController::class, "putIndex"]);
$router->delete("/users", [UsersController::class, "deleteIndex"]);
$router->delete("/users/{id:i}?", [UsersController::class, "deleteIndex"]);
I will create an auto register method to avoid multi line spamming for each controller
I was able to remove the anyIndex method from my controller
And now the route regex work too !