
1Password Sidebar

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Would be cool to have a sidebar where you could pin items (or I wonder if the CLI can get “favorites” items from 1Password) and have different actions on <CR> keypress.

For login items, it would open and fill, for Secure Notes, it would open the note.

Each item type could use a different NerdFont icon. Potentially mapping popular URLs like GitHub to the GitHub NerdFont logo icon for GitHub login, for example.

this would all be static/cached, just a list of titles with UUID and icon, and open either in a sidebar or a select (maybe configurable).

Started here but jeez making "sidebars" in Neovim is really hard 😅

I think I've got it working, though it's pretty hacky and there's probably a better way to do the autocmd.


  • Highlighting
  • Better state management
  • <CR> mappings
  • Additional mappings (e.g. o for :OpOpen, e for OpEdit, etc.)
  • Highlight groups