
parse error near `;;'

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I loaded the latest version and put it to /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions

When trying out I get following error

> borg i
_borg:112: parse error near `;;'
_borg:112: parse error near `;;'
_borg:112: parse error near `;;'

The file looks well formatted for me. Any idea?

mrkmg commented

Very odd. I am not sure why that would error there. I am no pro at zsh completion scripts. I am not sure how to help.

Mhh I tried a lot and did not get your version to work :/

Nevertheless I saw that there is also a zsh-completion file in the official borg repo:
which also works for me.

borg 1.1.9
zsh 5.7.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0)

Thanks for your help anyways :)

mrkmg commented

That version is a fork of this one, but maintained. Better to use that.

SamK commented

I there, just for your information, the issue is due to some in-code comments located below lines that expect a line continuation (because of the \ character at the end).

This is an example of was I am talking about: