Platform expects games to implement a certain API, which is used to allow for selection of games, and communication between the game, platform server and controllers.
Games are defined by using meta.json file. Here is a template:
"name": "Name of your game",
"id": "Unique identifier of your game",
"author": "List of authors",
"description": "Description of the game",
// required controller actions. this is what controllers will be required to send to the game
// choose only what you need. List of all currently supported actions:
"actions": ["accelerometer",]
"imports": [
Here is a base template for games to use:
var GAME = {
init: function() {
// invoked by the platform when user selects this game
// initialize your game, create canvas elements, and whatever is required
start: function() {
// invoked by the platform right after a call to init()
// games are provided with a DIV to "run" in. Its id is "gameArea".
controller_action: function(player_id, action) {
// invoked when a connected controller performs an action.
// action object's properties match what game has defined via meta.json
// action = {
// 'type': 'name of action',
// 'data': {'whatever', 'data', 'is', 'relevant', 'x', 'y'},
// }
controller_message: function (player_id, message) {
// invoked when a connected controller sends a message to the screen.
player_joined: function(player_id) {
// invoked when a controller joins this game.
// once this happens, controller's actions become avaialbe to the game via method above
player_left: function(player_id) {
// invoked when a controller leaves the game