
Faild to resolve.....?

Opened this issue · 11 comments

2015-06-03 2 15 03

need help~

Try to add:


to repositories on build.gradle

hard to try.....

2015-06-04 7 04 22

2015-06-04 7 04 36

but still error, Faild to resolve

You need to add it into the build.gradle of the module (the second screenshot file) so just above of "dependencies {...}" c&p this:

repositories {

I'm hard to try.....

2015-06-06 11 07 06

I think something is wrong with the repository. Still getting the same error message. Please do something as soon as possible.

Error:(26, 13) Failed to resolve: com.github.webpartners:WPEditText:1.0
Show in File
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Here it is:

repositories {
    maven {
dependencies {
        compile 'org.webpartners.wpedittext:app:'

Not Solved.

Definitely solved:

repositories {
        maven { url ''}
dependencies {
        compile 'org.webpartners:wpedittext:'


Error:(8) No resource identifier found for attribute 'hint' in package 'com.example.linuxsir.lbis'
Error:(8) No resource identifier found for attribute 'type' in package 'com.example.linuxsir.lbis'
Error:(8) No resource identifier found for attribute 'min_length' in package 'com.example.linuxsir.lbis'
Error:(8) No resource identifier found for attribute 'valid_message' in package 'com.example.linuxsir.lbis'
Error:(8) No resource identifier found for attribute 'invalid_message' in package 'com.example.linuxsir.lbis'
Error:(8) No resource identifier found for attribute 'empty_message' in package 'com.example.linuxsir.lbis'
Error:(8) No resource identifier found for attribute 'text_color' in package 'com.example.linuxsir.lbis'
Error:(8) No resource identifier found for attribute 'hint_color' in package 'com.example.linuxsir.lbis'
Error:(8) No resource identifier found for attribute 'header_icon' in package 'com.example.linuxsir.lbis'

what's problem?

I fixed a resources bug and added extra features, and also fixed this in a patch here:

Or rather with regards to the resouce prefix I reverted the attributes to a version without the prefix.