
app is slow on weaker Android devices

mroberge opened this issue · 3 comments

app is slow on my phone. I heard that androids are slow with CSS transitions. Could be. The graph and map pop quickly. Replace bootstrap animations with ko.

"Carousel" sliding pages move slowly. graphs appear quickly. Maps are pretty fast.

Bootstrap carousel uses a transition to move the new slide in place. This animation is clunky on mobile phones that don't have enough memory to handle it. From line 5425 of bootstrap.css:

carousel-inner > .item{
  -webkit-transition: 0.6s ease-in-out left; //this is a weird order. Usually it would be property duration easingfunction delay, additional property
  transition: 0.6s ease-in-out left;

you can use a transform function of some sort. This would look like this:

.carousel-inner > .item{
  transition: all ease-in-out 0.6s; //webkit is the only needed vendor prefix needed for transition.
  transform: translateX(100px); //transform needs these vendor prefixes: webkit, ms

There are a lot of interesting transforms that work quickly on mobile. Removing the Bootstrap carousel and replacing its "left" property with a "transformX(100%)" property will speed this up on mobile.


I tried to use the "transforms" fix described above, but this created some new problems:

  • Bootstrap fires an event at the end of the transition. Earlier, I modified it to redraw the map when the transition was done. This is now broken.
  • I need to figure out a good way to position the slide so that it starts from just off of the screen. This will require that I know the width of the screen, I think. So it couldn't be done with pure CSS. It would need some JS.