🔥 High-performance TensorFlow Lite library for React Native with GPU acceleration
- 9
how to use with local img
#15 opened by Naol-bm - 9
Build Errors in iOS
#14 opened by ahmetbicer - 2
- 9
How can I use this with expo?
#6 opened by kenhuang1964 - 13
- 23
Error: react-native-fast-tflite is not yet supported on Android! I couldn't manage to get TFLite to build for NDK/C++
#7 opened by t-genc - 2
Error building the app
#10 opened by movila - 2
Error loading model
#9 opened by gh-pro - 1
Support for Expo Go?
#8 opened by kenhuang1964 - 0
- 2
Object Detection on Camera
#3 opened by didi2424 - 2
Failed to load Tensorflow Model 1! [TypeError: right operand of 'in' is not an object]
#2 opened by BLOCKMATERIAL - 2