
Import / Export Framework Metadata

NJLangley opened this issue · 1 comments

The current deployment process has the metadata deployed through post deployment scripts at then end of the database deployment. By decoupling the metadata from the framework using import / export procs, the framework deployment is simplified as most users won't need to fork the project, or rebuild with the post deployment scripts injected for each instance of the framework they deploy.

This would have a few advantages:

  • The project could be pre-build and shipped via a Nuget package, with a sample Azure DevOps release (yaml format) allowing a user to just add the path to their metadata and deploy.
  • Storing the metadata in a format such as JSON can make it simpler for teams using git PR's for code review, and it is simpler to understand changes to the structure of jobs without having to check multiple Id's in different scripts are correct.

I have been working on this, progress is on my branch feature/json-import-export if you want to take a look.