Fluxor breaks ErrorBoundary in Blazor Wasm
cluka opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm having a problem where the error page of ErrorBoundary does not show when using Fluxor in Blazor wasm 8.
I think this is because the exception is caught during control render sequence. So when Using
and an exception occurs, I get
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Rendering.WebAssemblyRenderer[100] Unhandled exception rendering component: Exception of type 'MyApp.Errors.ServerValidationException'
and I get
An unhandled error has occurred. Reload
message and the error page of the ErroBounday is NOT shown.
But if I don't use Fluxor and only do a classic service call, the error page of the ErrorBoundary is show.
Is there a way to fix this?
Effects are not called within a component, they run in the background as if no UI even existed, so there are no boundaries.
StoreInitializer has a callback where you can trigger some code when an unhandled exception is encountered in an effect, but that won't help with boundaries.
Your state is an app-wide thing. If you experience an error that you weren't expecting then you cannot guarantee that data is now in a consistent and acceptable state - which means your app state in general cannot be trusted.
Adding a comment here since the last one is pretty new.
Im having this same issue, but there is something that I dont understand.
Effects are not called within a component, they run in the background as if no UI even existed, so there are no boundaries.
The Fluxor.Blazor.Web.StoreInitializer
is a component, and is the one that catches the exceptions inside the effects and re-throws them inside the render cycle (OnAfterRender specifically).
So if the ErrorBoundary->ChildContent have the store initializer inside it should work correctly, right? Because it isn't.