
Is Paddlepaddle DL framework allowed?

xixiaoyao opened this issue · 4 comments

we want to use paddlepaddle but confused about if there has been available official image?
If not, can we use our private docker image? or needed to integrate paddle to codalab image by ourselves?


Hi @xixiaoyao,

We will release more details on how to submit to Codalab. The short answer is yes, Codalab does have support for downloading and using docker images. Without knowing much about paddlepaddle myself, I would say I imagine it should be fine.

Thanks @ajfisch ,

I wonder if there are limitations about CUDA or CUDNN versions on codalab?

Good questions. Again, I believe the answer is that as long as you use the proper docker images it will be fine. We will check and add more details on any caveats soon. Stay tuned.

get it, thanks a lot :)