
clean up oisd li

Closed this issue · 7 comments


Thank you for your work. I am trying to use your scripts with oisd list.
Is there a good way to clean up the oisd big list?

It should be done in cf_list_create.js but not sure how.

return domain
  .replace('\r', '')
  .replace(' ', '')
  .replace(' ', '')
  .replace('::1 ', '')
  .replace(':: ', '')
  .replace('|| ', '')
  .replace('^ ', '')
  .replace(/^\|\|/, '')  // Remove leading '||'
  .replace(/\^$/, '');   // Remove trailing '^'

Can I pull a new branch? the name would be: oisd

mrrfv commented

Sure! Pull requests are welcome and appreciated. Alternatively, I can make the changes in cf_list_create.js for you.

I will do it later today.

mrrfv commented

Recommended filter lists include Mullvad's filters, so it's possible that the small OISD list is included.