
Something weird happens to __svg__ variable

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Zyets commented

// plugin will find marks and build sprite
let __svg__ = {path: "./assets/svg/*.svg", name: "./assets/svg/[hash].svg"};
// require basic or custom sprite loader

plugin overwrites to this:

var __svg__ = { filename: __webpack_require__.p +"./assets/svg/1517561561057.svg" }__svg__ = { filename: __webpack_require__.p +"./assets/svg/1517561561057.svg" };

app compilled successfully, but when i open the page in browser, i'm getting Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

webpack config:
new SvgStore({
svgoOptions: {
plugins: [{ removeTitle: true }]
prefix: ""

what am i doing wrong?

Zyets commented

sory, my fault..