
Allow use with MonoAndroid

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Can this be updated to work with MonoAndroid?

Can you give me some information on what does not work? Error message reported.

I had a look at creating a MonoAndroid project to look at reproducing the problem but could not since it looks like it needs a Xamarin.Android license which I do not have.

The addin version 0.5 works if the NuGet package contains any assemblies that explicitly target the MonoAndroid framework. There are not that many NuGet packages that do this. One example is Lucene.MonoDroid.

Allowing any NuGet package to be installed into an project that targets MonoAndroid might be a problem since the assembly referenced may use a part of Mono that is not supported when running on an Android device. There is a StackOverflow post on this.

A better fix for this problem is probably going to be to add support for Portable Class Libraries (PCLs). For the addin this will mean updating NuGet to find the PCL profile information from the correct place on OS X and Linux. As far as I am aware full support for PCLs is not yet available on Mono however. You can build PCL projects with Xamarin Studio but I do not believe that Mono ships with the reference assemblies or profiles currently.