
fmCheckMate: Support for parameters

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fmCheckMate already notes the parameters that an xslt uses and these can be seen on the xslt details page.

These parameters are however dormant and ignored.

Back then there was no way to easily pass parameters but now the MBS plugin makes that simple.

The possibility to input parameters would be good.

  • the ability to input parameters

  • the ability to not have to input parameters (?)

    • is it enough to show the parameter input mask when an xslt function has parameters, and not when not?
  • Milestone 1

    • Simple text input field with parameter name as label
    • serial dialog
  • Milestone 2

    • A system of defining the metadata required for inputs
      • Metadata required
        • Description (to provide more information than just the cryptic parameter name)
        • Data type
        • Input type
        • Value list
      • How?
        • defined simply using FileMaker XML embedded in the xslt after the parameter definition?
        • defined simply using FileMaker Value List XML embedded in the xslt after the parameter definition?
        • value lists implemented using magic value lists?
  • Milestone 3

    • Layout based input fields
    • Static value lists