
Pi 4 compatibility

Opened this issue · 6 comments

This is great software I have been using it for some time, however I would love to use 4K monitors and therefore leverage the Pi 4.
Just wondering what is required to make this distribution compatible with Pi4 or another piece of hardware capable for 4K
Thanks for your efforts.

dadr commented

@Decman84 I think that the V2 version will work on a Pi 4, and that release is in progress.

Do you already have a Pi4?

dadr commented

@Decman84, here's a follow-on question for you. Would you feel comfortable doing a manual install, and would you be willing to take notes and file Issues on problems, bugs and unclear instructions with the branch? Once all the testing is done, I'd expect a new image will be made, and at that time it's very likely you would have to re-install that image to get future updates.

dadr commented

OK then, have a look at the instructions in the readme here:
The one difference you need to make is in line 170 of the readme. It currently reads:
git clone --branch python3 --single-branch
and instead you should type:
git clone --branch Bullseye --single-branch

Note that there are two changes in that line.

Thank you for helping test and debug photoframe!