
Smoother transition between terminal lines

nshepperd opened this issue · 4 comments

lolcat maps its rainbow gradient into the 2d dimensions of the terminal smoothly, so that neighbouring lines get similar colours. For example (comparison):


It would be nice to do the same thing lolcat does, to have it look something like this instead:


This probably means switching from the generator-based rgb_gen to some sort of function of terminal coodinates.

good idea, righ now im just using a random number to demarcate the transition boundaries,

I hacked up something that works pretty well: nshepperd@c78935c

oh hey thank you, i will go take a look slightly later today :D

thank you so much!

Finally made it happen, thank you so much


I added a flag -i {1d,2d}, --interpolation {1d,2d}, where 1d was the old algo, and 2d is your algo

Gonna release this after I test it a bit more :D