
A list of WordPress plugins and themes I am maintaining

Home-made WP Plugins & Themes

Home-made WP Plugins

A list of WordPress utilities created by me. Mostly simple functionality plugins with just a few lines of code :). All code licensed under GPL v2.0.

  • Minimalistic Event Manager : Allows for simple management of event dates (start dates, end dates, repeating dates) on Posts and Custom Post Types.
  • Radical Auto-Updater : Enables all automatic background updates for WordPress: Core updates, Plugin updates, Theme updates, Translation file updates.
  • Vimeo Vortex : Improved Vimeo embedding via API.
  • Frontpage Teleport Redirects the frontpage to some other URL.

Jetpack helper plugins

  • Vol de nuit : Puts Jetpack into Development Mode.
  • Jetpack Carousel Enhancements : Hides the comment form and moves the "close" icon to the top-right part of the screen inside the Jetpack Carousel screen.

ACF helper plugins

Plugins for specific themes:

Home-made WP Themes

A list of themes that might be useful for you.

Other useful things