
Twitter provider

veelenga opened this issue · 4 comments

Are you interested in this? Would you accept such a pull request?

The problem is twitter uses OAuth 1.0 (not 2.0), but this does not violate shard name. But will need to change the interfaces though.

msa7 commented

Look like Twitter support OAuth 2 for apps Is it enough?

I wonder how interface will look like, in case support OAuth1?

Personally, I do not feel that OAuth1 should be supported.

Unfortunately, no, it is not enough. OAuth2 used for Application-only authentication. User-based authentication has to use OAuth 1.0a.

If you don't have plans to support 1.0, I will create a separate shard for twitter OAuth 1.0.

msa7 commented

I do not have plans to massive shard API changes for support OAuth 1.0.
On another hand, If shard API changes would not big, sure I am open for PR to support Twitter provider.