
Problem with Contact Form

ectic2020 opened this issue · 11 comments

Hello @msaad1999,
Thank you for the PHP-Login-System which is a great pleasure for me
I follow the contact form which does not work 'When I am connected and even offline nothing happens'

Can you provide more details on what exactly does not work or if there is any error, in which case what is the error stack trace.

When I fill in the information and I submit it nothing does not get an error message, even if I am connected or not.

Try opening your inspect element in the browser and look at the network tab and console while submitting the form. If something is going wrong it should definitely be visible in one or both of those places.

this is the only message I could see
HTTP error: status code 300, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

This worked for me, do tell if it doesn't fix your issue

  • In your browser window, go to inspect -> settings -> preferences -> Sources
  • Uncheck enable javascript source maps and enable css source map.
  • Refresh.

Salut @msaad1999
I tried nothing works

will look into this more

I'm just starting out in programming, it's not really easy for me.
If there is a way to help me, that is fine.
Thank you.

Hi @msaad1999
on this project do you use a small form to insert the data into the database and generate a 6-digit code and photo?

Did this error get resolved? I have a similar problem.

Found the problem. @ectic2020 how did you get on? Did you manage to resolve?