
Empty column nvidia-smi

vinnik-dmitry07 opened this issue · 2 comments

Sometimes there is no information from sensors and nvidia-smi return "-" so consider replacing parce_line with:

def parse_line(line_string):
    parsed_list = list(('-' if val == '-' else func(val)  for func, val in zip(conversion_funcs, tmp)))
    return [datetime.combine(*parsed_list[:2])] + parsed_list[2:]

Also I don't realy now what gpu headers you have but I have a bit other:

conversion_funcs =   convert_datetime,  convert_time,   int,    int,    int,        int,        int,        int,    int,    int,    int,    int,    int
gpu_headers =                           'timestamp',    'gpu',  'pwr',  'gtemp',    'mtemp',    'mtemp',    'sm',   'mem',  'enc',  'dec',  'mclk', 'pclk'

Also for Windows you should add NVSMI folder (usually C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI) to Path env. variable

Yea, should really replace nvidia-smi