
Assertion `status == 0’ failed

mwittig opened this issue · 4 comments

node: …/src/ static void Pcap::cb_packets(uv_poll_t*, int, int): Assertion `status == 0’ failed.

I think, socket errors need to be properly handled similar to the cases reported earlier. See #23 and #26

Can you provide a reproducible test for this? What platform did you encounter this on?

Sorry for the delay in reply. The platform is:

libpcap 1.6.2-2
Linux raspberrypi 4.9.35-v7+

I am using cap as part of complex application. Thus I'll try to to create an isolated test case.

Generally, I am wondering why status != 0 isn't handled gracefully. Is it really a pathological case? A similar assertion issue had occurred on Windows earlier. See #23 and #26

What node version and cap version are you using?

Also, does simply commenting out the offending line out fix the issue or cause other problems? It would be interesting to know what the status value is when it's not zero.... it should correspond to an libuv error.