Error: Unsupported algorithm: arcfour256
lynchs61 opened this issue · 1 comments
We have our setup for connecting to devices using a socksv5 tunnel as shown below. This has worked for years and has been used to connect to a huge number of devices from AWS lambda functions. Now we're trying to execute a device connection in the same way but from a docker container running alpine linux. It fails saying that the 'arcfour256' is unsupported. I looked through the code that defines whether an algorithm is supported and ran a quick test locally that showed that this cipher is supported. Is there something about the docker environment (or something else) that is making this algorithm unsupported?
const sshKeyExchs = [
const sshCiphers = [
sock: socket,
username: '....'
password: '.....'
algorithms: {
kex: sshKeyExchs,
cipher: sshCiphers,
This is the error and stack trace (since I'm not handling the error properly it crashes)
throw new Error(`Unsupported algorithm: ${algoList[i]}`);
Error: Unsupported algorithm: arcfour256
at generateAlgorithmList (/opt/local/lwc-file-ops-worker/node_modules/ssh2/lib/utils.js:215:15)
at Client.connect (/opt/local/lwc-file-ops-worker/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:176:30)
at Client.<anonymous> (/opt/local/lwc-file-ops-worker/node_modules/@jsas/lwc-junos-worker-pkg/src/index.js:962:16)
at Client.emit (node:events:513:28)
at Parser.<anonymous> (/opt/local/lwc-file-ops-worker/node_modules/@jsas/socksv5/lib/client.js:136:10)
at Parser.emit (node:events:513:28)
at Parser._onData (/opt/local/lwc-file-ops-worker/node_modules/@jsas/socksv5/lib/client.parser.js:198:16)
at Parser.__onData (/opt/local/lwc-file-ops-worker/node_modules/@jsas/socksv5/lib/client.parser.js:33:10)
at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)
at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:324:12)
You need to pass --openssl-legacy-provider
to your node executable (before the script) to re-enable legacy algorithms. This is a change with OpenSSL 3.x.