
Outdated HBCI / FinTS Url

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Looks like the URL does not contain anymore the list of URLs

To get access to the URLs you need to register at the website. The HBCI will log all accesses.

Original Text:
"Für alle Banking-Anwendungen, die über das FinTS-Protokoll auf Institute zugreifen wird ab sofort eine Registrierungsmöglichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt, um den Kunden der Banken und Sparkassen mehr Transparenz über deren FinTS-Zugriffe anbieten zu können. "

So they say you need to register to get access to the list. Has anyone tried contacting them to see if we can get a list without registration. It does mention it might be possible under (not defined) certain circumstances... Otherwise I guess we could start to compile our own list...

You need a API-Key for all calls. Only a List with the Endpoint URLs are useless. Currently it work only with the URLs but in few Month they change her API.

I have found a file with HBCI URLs, I havent tested it yet but maybe this will help somebody:

Regarding the FAQ from
Original: "01.08.2019: Der Zugang ist nur noch mit registrierten Produkten möglich."
Which means (in my opinion), that after 1. August 2019, any further access to FinTS will be refused if the used software is not registered.