
@@ in data fields

visioncode opened this issue · 2 comments

What is the reason that I receive something like that as name by a transaction:

Wellfa@@irs GmbH
Martina @@Vermot-Petit-Outhenin

the same @@ occurs within the account_number and also in purpose, but it does not occur in each and every transaction.

i could cut off these both at-symbols, but I wonder where they come from?

As i know it's an CR LF.

Field separators according to the S.W.I.F.T. User Handbook are mandatory:
• The usual field separator before each field number is (ASCII X ́0D0A ́);
For compatibility reasons to old BTX systems the C ́@@ ́ is also still supported.
• A message or a partial message is closed by <-> (ASCII X ́0D0A2D ́).
For compatibility reasons to old BTX systems the C ́@@ ́ is also still supported.

I fixed this in the fork