
Uncaught Exception: Could not determine system id

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm trying to connect to Deutsche Kreditbank Berlin (DKB) AG which is stated as compatible in your

According to DKB website the host address is (Port 443).

As far as I understand, the connection is established, but I do not understand what the error is actually telling me

Can you help?

Update – I believe this relates to DKB-specific parameters / login parameters

Fatal error: Uncaught Fhp\Adapter\Exception\CurlException: Failed connection to in /.../vendor/mschindler83/fints-hbci-php/lib/Fhp/Adapter/Curl.php:80 Stack trace: #0 /.../vendor/mschindler83/fints-hbci-php/lib/Fhp/Connection.php(36): Fhp\Adapter\Curl->send(Object(Fhp\Message\Message)) #1 /.../vendor/mschindler83/fints-hbci-php/lib/Fhp/Dialog/Dialog.php(121): Fhp\Connection->send(Object(Fhp\Message\Message)) #2 /.../vendor/mschindler83/fints-hbci-php/lib/Fhp/Dialog/Dialog.php(325): Fhp\Dialog\Dialog->sendMessage(Object(Fhp\Message\Message)) #3 /.../vendor/mschindler83/fints-hbci-php/lib/Fhp/FinTs.php(126): Fhp\Dialog\Dialog->syncDialog() #4 /.../app/controllers/BankingController.php(63): Fhp\FinTs->getSEPAAccounts() #5 /.../app/core/App.php(37): BankingController->accounts() #6 /... in /.../vendor/mschindler83/fints-hbci-php/lib/Fhp/Adapter/Curl.php on line 80

Hm, are you sure, the server you're on has internet access?

Further please try it with **https://**

I tested the library with the DKB and didn't encounter any issues.

Thanks for your feedback - I use exactly the URL (incl. https), and I am sure I have a working internet connection. Although I haven't got it working yet, I'll close the issue because I believe the connection error is not related to this library.